CoCEd - A save editor (2024)


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CoCEdA save editor for the game Corruption of Champions.

CoCEd allows you to edit your character's stats, appearance/body, perks, items, etc.

RequirementsRequires, at least, Windows XP (which means it also works with: Vista, 7, 8, and 10) and the .NET Framework 4 (full or client profile).

Not currently compatible with Mac OS X and Linux (even if using Wine or Mono).

InstallationWindows XP Note: Users of Windows XP must install, at least, the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile, if you have not already done so.

Download the latest CoCEd-*.zip archive and extract the files wherever you want. No installation required. Note that browsing the archive via Windows Explorer is not sufficient, the files must be extracted from the archive or you will receive errors.

Have A Question? Found A Bug? Want To Contribute?You may post all questions, suggestions, and bug reports in this thread.

Additionally, as a better way to report bugs, you may create/update issues in CoCEd's issue tracker.


  • Perdev2 (original creator)
  • TheMadExile (current maintainer)
  • Bobbaganoosh

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  • CoCEd - A save editor (2)


FenoxoDomme, Vento, blargballs and 3 others


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  • CoCEd - A save editor (4)


paradox innocent



Aug 28, 2015
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Torahiko19 said:

Is it possible to lock a certain appearance or gender with the Editor ?



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No. Neither CoC nor its save format supports locking PC attributes.


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I know this may sound dumbs but how do you use it sln file seen the way to use it doesnt work the read me dont help and pdf either i fell dumb. but need help please.


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I know this may sound dumbs but how do you use it sln file seen the way to use it doesnt work the read me dont help and pdf either i fell dumb. but need help please.

You download the source code. As per the instructions above, you want theCoCEd-*.zip archive, which is the binary package. Once you have it, extract the files, and run the CoCEd.exe application.

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Sep 23, 2015
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there are no Coced.exe im i missing a program or some thing



Sep 28, 2015
  • Sep 28, 2015
  • #10

I noticed a bug in this CoCed program: When I try to give piercings, the type option does not highlight, so giving a piercing using the editor is impossible without first purchasing one from the Piercing shop.


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there are no Coced.exe im i missing a program or some thing

I just told you where to get it. /sigh

Here's a direct link to the CoCEd v1.2.18 application ZIP (, which is the latest version at this time. Place that file in a directory someplace and then unzip it (don't just browse it, it must be unarchived), you'll see the CoCEd.exe, run it. Profit.

I noticed a bug in this CoCed program: When I try to give piercings, the type option does not highlight, so giving a piercing using the editor is impossible without first purchasing one from the Piercing shop.

Facial piercings work fine. Body piercings do appear to be borked though. I'll look into it.

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thanks i relly feel dump


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If ever you lose these addresses, drop by the Official CoC Revamp Mod Wiki (covers both mod and originalinformation and material). On the Main Page there is a link to both Mod game and CoCEd downloads.

Brought to you by the wonderful Revamp Mod underappreciated staff, and the Revamp Wiki overworked developers. CoCEd - A save editor (14)



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Hell, someone's gotta ask. Any plans on making a version of this for tit*?


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Hell, someone's gotta ask. Any plans on making a version of this for tit*?

There is already a version for TiT's.

1. The one you get for the backer's.

2. Minerva


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There is already a version for TiT's.

1. The one you get for the backer's.

2. Minerva

1: Is not available for nonbackers AND is a crapshoot to get working either way

2: Is a f*cking mess and you know it


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1: Is not available for nonbackers AND is a crapshoot to get working either way

2: Is a f*cking mess and you know it

No I don't know it. I have no issue using it or any other .sol editors. Also I answered his question as to how he can try and edit his saves there was no need for you to make such a pointless post.


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Published CoCEd 1.2.19 ( download page of the latest CoCEd release )

General highlights:

  • Fixed an issue which rendered body piercings unable to be edited.
  • Updated the CoCEd.DataRevampMod.xml file to the 2015-09-10 snapshot.



Sep 28, 2015
  • Oct 17, 2015
  • #19

Thanks for the updated version.


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Guess it's easier than using Minerva.



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Nov 4, 2015
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I can't do anything. It's frozen the only buttons that work are open (which i thought would be for opening game saves, was not the case) and update. Help.

Edit: Nevermind, solved it.

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Aug 26, 2015
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I'd like to let you know that I've updated the XML file again to be relevant to version 1.3 of the mod.


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Published CoCEd 1.2.20 ( download page of the latest CoCEd release )

General highlights: Updates for CoC-Revamp-Mod v1.3

  • Added support for fur coloring.
  • Updated the CoCEd.DataRevampMod.xml file to v1.3 and added the missing item ProLactaid and missing perk Basilisk Resistance.



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I've noticed an issue when doing anything Tamani-related (mostly relating to her daughters) wherein altering the value on her daughters and saving it doesn't work. This might be an issue restricted to when you're playing it in Chrome and save in-browser instead of dl'ing the file, but I figured it would be worth mentioning

Edit: Fixed it.

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Sep 15, 2015
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  • #25

Is there any chance at all of a tool like this being made for T.i.T.s ?


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  • #26

Not sure what I did, but I think I broke it:

Error has occurred!! please paste this to the forums!

[CoCEd:, CoC Data: 0.9.2_mod_1.0.14]
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at CoCEd.ViewModel.ItemSlotVM.get_Type() in c:\Users\tmedwards\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CoCEd\CoCEd\ViewModel\ItemVM.cs:line 109
at CoCEd.ViewModel.GameVM..ctor(AmfFile file, GameVM previousVM, Boolean isRevampMod) in c:\Users\tmedwards\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CoCEd\CoCEd\ViewModel\GameVM.cs:line 166
at CoCEd.ViewModel.VM.Load(String path, SerializationFormat expectedFormat, Boolean createBackup) in c:\Users\tmedwards\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CoCEd\CoCEd\ViewModel\VM.cs:line 125
at CoCEd.ViewModel.ImportRootVM.OnClick() in c:\Users\tmedwards\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CoCEd\CoCEd\ViewModel\FilesVM.cs:line 257
at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
at System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

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[…, CoC Data: 0.9.2_mod_1.0.14]

Your save is from a rather old version of the mod (latest is v1.3.4; even vanilla CoC has been updated since, v0.9.4c), so that might be your problem right there. Try updating your copy of the CoC-Revamp-Mod, load your save in it and resave, then try CoCEd.

If that doesn't fix the problem, post the save somewhere I can download it.



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Dec 7, 2015
  • Dec 7, 2015
  • #28

Hi there! New to the forums, I signed up to let you know that I got COCEd to work on Ubuntu using wine! In theory it should work with any version of Linux, but I can only be sure about the set up I'm using at the moment (Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit).

To get it working, you must have a 32-bit architecture of wine installed (I followed this guide:link), and install the dotnet framework through winetricks (for me this was "winetricks dotnet40" in terminal). After that's installed navigate to where you have CoCEd saved on your hard drive inthe terminal and run it with "WINEARCH=win32 wine CoCEd.exe"

All of that is case sensitive for reference. After that finding my save files was a bit of a challenge but it works perfectly.

Edit: I should also say that if you're kinda new to Linux and using wine and you use wine for other things, going through this process blindly is going to mess with how you do those things a fair bit. Also, if you already have a 32-bit system then installing the dotnet framework and using wine as normal should be enough to make it work.

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Dec 29, 2015
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  • #29

How Do i get it to Work? i wanna be able to be able to bring down my speed for some of the scenes please help :3

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Sep 4, 2015
  • Dec 30, 2015
  • #30

Is there a way to mess with the ascension things? I mean ranks/stats boost
If you edit the stats too high they just drop back to their cap

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CoCEd - A save editor (2024)


CoCEd - A save editor? ›

A save editor for the game Corruption of Champions. CoCEd allows you to edit your character's stats, appearance/body, perks, items, etc.

What is save file editing? ›

Save File Editing enables the player to change data inside the game, such as current run data and game unlocks. Save File Editing can not change the Run History, these are stored in different files.

How do I save in micro editor? ›

  1. Ctrl+s - Save.
  2. Ctrl+o - open.

How to save corruption of champions 2? ›

How to get save file: In the CoC2 save/load menu, on the right side under "To File", click the "Save" button to download a file to use in this save editor.

How do I edit a saved file? ›

How to edit documents saved in the Files folder
  1. Log in to the Files Folder, and locate the file you wish to edit.
  2. Right click on the File name, and select Copy.
  3. Browse to your desktop or other local location, right click, and select Paste.
  4. Double click to open the document, and edit as needed.

What is a file editor? ›

Editors or text editors are software programs that enable the user to create and edit text files. In the field of programming, the term editor usually refers to source code editors that include many special features for writing and editing code.

How do I save a text editor? ›

In the TextEdit app on your Mac, choose File > Save. Name the document, add one or more tags, select a location, then select a format.

How do I save code editor? ›

Save / Auto Save

By default, VS Code requires an explicit action to save your changes to disk, Ctrl+S. However, it's easy to turn on Auto Save , which will save your changes after a configured delay or when focus leaves the editor. With this option turned on, there is no need to explicitly save the file.

How do I save a block editor? ›

Click Block Editor visor > Save drop-down > Save New. In the Save Block Definition As dialog box, enter a name for the new block definition. Click Save Block. To save the block definition in the drawing, click File > Save.

Who are the anti corruption champions? ›

The honorees are Stanislau Ivashkevich of Belarus, Jean-Claude Mputu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Arturo Torres of Ecuador, Nikhil Dey of India, Ali (Mukhammedali) Toktakunov of Kyrgyz Republic, Marc N.

What is Corruption of Champions 2 made in? ›

Heck "Corruption of Champions 2" is written using HTML, which means you could literally use the code in that to help you design a similar UI in Twine. This does mean that you'll need to know some HTML, CSS, and likely JavaScript as well to make the UI look and act the way you want, in some cases.

How to save Shadow Fight 2? ›

In order to do this, you should go to the settings, at the right bottom corner you will see a green button "Game progress". Press it - a new window will appear and here you can choose whether to save your progress or to load it. If you press "Save", your progress will be saved in a Google Play cloud.

What does save the file mean? ›

To copy the document, record or image being worked on to a storage medium. If the file has already been created on the hard disk, saving updates the file by writing the data currently in memory (RAM) to the disk. All modern applications prompt the user to save data upon exiting if the user has made any changes to them.

What is the meaning of editing a file? ›

to modify (a computer file) by, for example, deleting, inserting, moving, or copying text.

When should you use file save as? ›

Using the "save as" feature before making significant changes to a file is advisable because it acts as a safety net. It allows you to create a backup copy of the original file, ensuring that you can revert to the previous version if something goes wrong during the editing process.

What is a save file type? ›

The save file extension is associated with the command line text editor Nano that is a part of various Unix and Unix-based operating systems. The *. save file contains temporary saved text file. It is backup used to protect text document against system crashes.


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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