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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page21

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 20131 Comment

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 21

“Here you will notice page 21 the final recipe page, as well as the back cover of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”


Creamy Vanilla Frosting

Blend 2 tablespoons hom*ogenized Spry, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1/4 teaspoon salt…Beat in 1/2 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar…Add 5 tablespoons scalded light cream, alternately with 2 1/2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar, beating well after each addition…Add only enough cream to make a nice spreading consistency…Makes enough frosting for 2 to 3 dozen cookies.

Chocolate Frosting

Melt together over hot water 2 tablespoons hom*ogenized Spry, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, 3 oz. unsweetened chocolate. Pour 5 tablespoons scalded milk over 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Add chocolate mixture and beat until thick enough to spread. Makes enough frosting for 3 dozen cookies.

Decorative Frosting

Mix 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar and 2 tablespoons hot water until smooth. Add a few drops vanilla and a few drops of food coloring to tint the desired color. Use in decorating Cookieland Cut-Outs, see page 2.

Fig Filling

Combine 1/2 lb. (1 cup) dried figs, ground, 6 tablespoons water, 6 tablespoons sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cook over low heat until thick, stirring constantly (about 15 minuteS). Cool. Use as filling in making Fig Pincushions, page 17.

Date-Nut Filling

Combine 2 cups dates, cut fine, with 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water. Cook over low heat until thick, stirring constantly (about 5 minutes). Add 1 cup nuts, chopped fine, and mix. Cool. Use in making Date Whirligig Cookies, page 16. Dot filling on dough, then spread.

Do You know why You can bake BETTER with hom*ogenized Spry?

One reason you can see for yourself–that pure white shortening is lighter, fluffier, easier to work with than any other type of shortening. It’s hom*ogenized, pre-creamed to blend easier, quicker with your dry ingredients. What’s more, it’s the only kind of shortening specially made to mix with liquids. That’s what makes Spry’s can’t-fail “Water-Whip” pastry method possible. And Spry has Cake Improver to make your cakes higher, lighter, smoother-textured. That’s why Lever Brothers guarantees the quality and performance of Spry!Spry

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Back Cover

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  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 9 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 18-19 (
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  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 12-13 (
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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page20

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 20131 Comment

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 20

“Here you will notice page 20 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”

PEANUT MACAROONS. On a sweltering afternoon, pass cool-off glasses of minted fruit juice or iced tea with a plateful of these crisp peanut delights. Or serve them in the cool of the evening with dishes of ice cream or sherbet. These crunchy snaps are favorites with the youngsters, too. Pack a generous box and tuck it into the picnic hamper.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Add 1 tablespoon milk in first mixing step…Use 1 cup chopped blanched salted peanuts instead of walnuts…Omit cinnamon…Yield 5 1/2 dozen. Use all brown sugar, if desired.

SPICY APPLE “MACS”. Pack a few of these wholesome “Macs” in those go-to-school lunches. The youngsters will love their fresh-apple flavor and spicy zip.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Omit the granulated sugar and use 2 cups light or dark brown sugar, firmly packed…Add 1 cup unpared ground or finely chopped raw apples with the nuts…Increase the cinnamon to 1 teaspoon and add 1 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/4 teaspoon cloves…Shape and bake as directed, only this dough is softer and need not be pressed with fork before baking…Yield: 6 1/2 dozen fruity, spicy treats.

ORANGE ‘N’ DATE MACAROONS. Serve these “tempters” to the Halloween crowd along with apples, nuts, and cider…or with twin scoops of orange ice and chocolate ice cream.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Omit vanilla and cinnamon…Add 1 1/2 teaspoons grated orange rind, 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind, and 1 tablespoon orange juice in first mixing step…Add 3/4 cup chopped dates with the nuts…Shape and bake as directed…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen.

CINNAMON SUGAR PLUMS. Get the holidays off to a good start by filling the cookie jar with these spicy, sugar-crusted goodies. Wonderful Thanksgiving nibbles after the big feast!

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Add 1 tablespoon coffee beverage, grape juice, or milk in first mixing step…Add 3/4 cup chopped raisins with the nuts…Increase cinnamon to 2 teaspoons and add 3/4 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/4 teaspoon allspice. Shape the dough in 1 1/4″ balls and roll each ball in a mixture of 1/4 cup sugar and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon…Place balls on Sprycoated baking sheets…Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 12-15 minutes. (Be careful not to overbake.)…Cool about 2 minutes before removing cookies from baking sheets…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen spicy, crisp cookies.

HOLIDAY DELIGHTS. Gift suggestion for a friend: pack a tin of these “candied fruities,” wrap them gaily, and tuck in your hand-written copy of the recipe.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Use 3/4 teaspoon almond extract instead of vanilla and 1/2 cup unblanched, chopped toasted almonds instead of walnuts…Add 1/2 cup chopped candied cherries and 1/4 cup chopped candied citron…Shape and bake as directed…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen. Or use 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and 3/4 cup each chopped filberts and mixed candied fruits and peels instead of toasted almonds, candied cherries, and citron.

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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page18-19

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Cookies, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 3

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 18-19

“Here you will notice page 18-19 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”

With this single basic recipe for Lever House Macaroons you can make exciting cookies all through the year! January through December–there’s a macaroon for every month–each one different and all delicious!

LEVER HOUSE MACAROONS. Here’s a basic recipe! Flaky-crisp cookies with crinkly crusts, delightful chewiness, wonderful flavor! Perfect with New Year’s punch or eggnog…good for fireside snacks, too.

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 unbeaten eggs

Stir in…1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Sift together:

1 1/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…3 cups rolled oats and mix well.

Measure out…level tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets, leaving a little space between. Press with fork.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 12-15 minutes. Cool about 2 minutes before removing cookies from baking sheets. Makes 5 1/2 dozen.

LOLLIPOPS. Let gay Macaroon Lollipops be the star of the youngsters’ Valentine party! Cap them with sparkling cellophane and tie with perky red bows.

Use recipe forLever House Macaroons. Measure out level tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets, leaving a little space between…For lollipop sticks, use 4″ lengths of paper drinking straws, plastic straws, or wooden skewers. Insert one in each mound of dough with straws parallel with sheet…For sparkling color on the lollipops, sprinkle dough with bits of finely cut gumdrops…Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 12-15 minutes…Cool about 2 minutes before removing the cookies from the baking sheets…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen. To “dress-up” the lollipops for a party, cut cellophane in 6″ x 9″ pieces and “gather” a piece around each cookie. Tie cellophane to straw with narrow ribbon, making a perky little bow. A pretty assortment of lollipops can be made using different colors of cellophane and harmonizing ribbons.

BANANA NUTTIES. A Spring delight with fresh-banana flavor and the crunch-crunch of walnuts. Serve them St. Patrick’s Day with lime sherbet and a flourish o’ green.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Omit granulated sugar and use 2 cups brown sugar, firmly packed. Increase walnuts to 1 cup. Add 1 cup mashed ripe bananas with the nuts…Increase cinnamon to 1 teaspoon and add 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg…Shape and bake as directed, only this dough is softer and need not be pressed with fork before baking…Yield: 6 1/2 dozen.

SCOTTISH COOKIE-ROONS. As welcome as the soft spring showers are these bonnie macaroons that intermingle a bevy of sprightly flavors and textures: dates, raisins, toasted oats.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons, adding 1/3 cup chopped dates and 1/3 cup chopped raisins with the nuts…Shape and bake as directed…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen. Or use 1/3 cup each chopped dates, figs, nuts, and shredded coconut.

CRUNCHY COCO-ROONS. For Maytime parties, try these macaroons enhanced with coconut and a fillip of orange and almond extracts. Delectable with strawberry ice cream!

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Omit vanilla, cinnamon, and nuts…Add 1/4 teaspoon orange extract and 1/4 teaspoon almond extract in first step…Add 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut to Spry-sugar mixture before adding flour…Shape and bake as directed…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen.

SUGAR-CRISP TEA MACAROONS. This dainty tidbit is perfect refreshment for bridal showers and wedding receptions. A petite cookie with sugary sparkle and enchanting flavor!

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Omit cinnamon…Use 1/2 teaspoon almond extract instead of vanilla…Add 1 cup coconut with nuts. Shape the dough in small 3/4″ balls…Roll each ball in granulated sugar and place on Sprycoated baking sheets…Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 12 minutes, or until a very delicate brown. (Be careful not to overbake.) Cool about 2 minutes before removing cookies from baking sheets…Yield: 10-11 dozen.

PRALINE MACAROONS. These pecan “yum-yums” are a top-notch sweet for picnics. Or serve them with sugared berries or chilled melon balls at garden suppers.

Use recipe for Lever House Macaroons as follows: Omit granulated sugar and use 2 cups dark brown sugar, firmly packed…Use 3/4 teaspoon vanilla…Omit cinnamon…Omit walnuts and use 1 cup chopped pecans…Shape and bake as directed…Yield: 5 1/2 dozen…For a tempting variation of Praline Macaroons, substitute 1 cup chopped black walnuts for pecans. Or make Coconut Praline Macaroons by using light brown sugar instead of dark and substituting 1 1/2 cups shredded coconut for 1 cup pecans

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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page16-17

Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 3

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book pages 16-17

“Here you will notice page 16-17 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”


Roll small portions of dough on floured cloth, board, or waxed paper. Fascinating cookies can be cut with assorted cutters.

Rolled cookiescover many delightful kinds, all made with doughs that can be rolled out on a board, then handled in a variety of ways. This type of cookie requires more time and skill than most other kinds. General favorites of the roll-and-cut class are fancy cookie cut-outs for Christmas and other special occasions. The recipe forCookieland Cut-Outs, page 2, is ideal for rolling and cutting. The dough rolls easily and the cut-outs keep their interesting shapes during baking. The baked cookies have a delicate honey-gold color and an attractive brown rim. Crisp, tender, and not very sweet, these cookies are a good “tea cookie”; they are also suitable for frosting and decorating.

Deliciousfilled cookiescan be made by enclosing fruit mixtures in cookie dough. Different flavors and colors of doughs can be made from a basic batch and put together in intriguing ways, such as pinwheels, ribbons, and the like.

Date Whirligig Cookies

Make…Date-Nut Filling, page 21. Cool.

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 1/2 teaspoons grated orange rind
1/4 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
2 unbeaten eggs

Sift together:

3 1/3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons soda; add half of flour to Spry mixture and mix well.

Add…2 tablespoons milk and blend; then add remaining flour and mix well.

Divide…dough in half. Roll each half into a rectangle about 1/4″ thick. Spread a thin layer of cooled date mixture on dough. Roll up lengthwise, wrap each roll in double thickness of waxed paper, twisting ends.

Chill…in refrigerator overnight.

Cut…1/4″ slices; place on Sprycoated baking sheets.

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 15-20 minutes. Makes 5 dozen.

Chocolate Pinwheels

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 unbeaten egg

Sift together:

1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Divide…dough in half.

Add…1 1/2 oz. chocolate, melted, to one half of dough and blend.

Put…each dough on large piece of waxed paper. Cover with a second piece of waxed paper and roll each dough to 1/8″ thickness. Place chocolate sheet on top of vanilla sheet.

Roll…up lengthwise, using waxed paper as a pusher and making a firm roll. Twist ends.

Chill…in refrigerator overnight.

Cut…in 1/8″ slices and place on Sprycoated baking sheets.

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 8-10 minutes. Makes about 8 dozen.

Fig Pincushions

Make…Fig Filling, page 21. Cool.

Combine and beat thoroughly:

2/3 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 unbeaten egg

Sift together:

2 1/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon soda; add 1/2 of flour to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…3 tablespoons milk and mix; then add remaining flour and blend.

Chill…dough about 1 hour. Roll small portions of dough 1/8″ thick on floured board and cut out rounds with 2 1/2″ cookie cutter.

Place…1 rounded teaspoon of fig filling on half the rounds, cover with remaining rounds. With wooden skewer, press edges of cookies together (or use fork). With toothpick, prick circles of holes in tops of cookies. Place on Sprycoated baking sheets.

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 8-10 minutes. Makes 3 dozen delicious filled cookies.

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  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Pages 2-3 (
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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page14-15

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Cookies, Desserts, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 5

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book pages 14-15

“Here you will notice page 14-15 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”


Refrigerator cookiesare sometimes calledslicedcookies because the dough is chilled until firm enough to slice, then cut into thin slices and baked. They are universally liked not only because of their brittle-crisp texture but for the convenience they offer in baking. With a roll of cookie dough in the refrigerator, the family can have a batch of oven-fresh cookies at a moment’s notice.

Some Pointers on Refrigerator Cookies

Shape dough in firm rolls 2″ wide, wrap in waxed paper, twisting ends; or pack tightly into a pan. Chill in refrigerator.

Dough must be chilled until firm before slicing. Cut 1/8″ slices with long, sharp knife, place on Sprycoated cookie sheets.

Refrigerator Nut Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 unbeaten egg

Sift together:

1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1/2 cup very finely chopped walnuts and mix thoroughly.

Press…dough very firmly together into a roll 2″ in diameter. Wrap in double thickness of waxed paper, twisting ends rather tightly.

Chill…in refrigerator for several hours or overnight.

Cut…1/8″ slices and place on Sprycoated baking sheets. (Slice only what is to be baked, return remainder to refrigerator for baking as needed.)

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 8-10 minutes. Makes 5 dozen.

Coconut Refrigerator Cookies. Omit vanilla and nuts. Add 1 teaspoon grated orange rind, 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon rind, and 1 tablespoon orange juice in first mixing stage. Stir 1 cup finely cut coconut into dough.

Chocolate Refrigerator Cookies. Add 2 oz. chocolate, melted, in first mixing stage. Add 1/2 of flour mixture, then 2 tablespoons milk, mixing thoroughly. Add the remaining flour and mix well. Stir in nuts. Shape and bake as above.

Orange Pecan Refrigerator Cookies. Omit vanilla. Add 2 teaspoons grated orange rind and 1 teaspoon orange juice in first mixing stage. Use 1/2 cup finely chopped pecans instead of walnuts.

Lemon Walnut Cookies. Use granulated sugar instead of brown. Omit vanilla and add 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind and 2 teaspoons lemon juice in first mixing stage.

Holiday Cookies. Use granulated sugar instead of brown. Add 1/2 cup finely cut candied cherries and 2 tablespoons finely cut citron. Use very finely chopped unblanched, toasted almonds instead of walnuts.

Toasted Almond Cookies. Add 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon in first mixing step. Use 1/2 cup very finely chopped toasted almonds instead of walnuts.

Peanut Cookies. Use 1/2 cup very finely chopped, salted, blanched peanuts instead of walnuts.

Refrigerator Molasses Cookies

Mix in saucepan:

1 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup molasses
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar. Bring to boil over low heat and boil 2 minutes. Cool to lukewarm.

Add…1 unbeaten egg and mix

Sift together:

4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon soda
2 teaspoons ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cloves; add to molasses mixture and mix well.

Pack…dough firmly in 8″x8″x2″ Sprycoated pan lined with waxed paper.

Chill…in refrigerator overnight, or until firm enough to slice.

Cut…cookies of desired length and 1/8″ thick. Place on Sprycoated baking sheets. Sprinkle with sugar.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 10-15 minutes. Makes 8 dozen.

Sliced Gumdrop Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 unbeaten egg
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt

Sift together:

1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1 tablespoon water and mix.


1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup shredded coconut
3/4 cup old-fashioned gumdrops, cut fine with scissors
1/2 cup chopped nuts and mix.

Divide…dough in half and press dough very firmly together into 2 rolls 2″ in diameter. Wrap each roll in double thickness of waxed paper, twisting ends rather tightly.

Chill…in refrigerator overnight.

Cut…in 1/4″ slices and place on Sprycoated baking sheets, allowing space for spreading.

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 10-12 minutes. Makes about 4 1/2 dozen.

Vary the Shapes

Refrigerator cookies can be sliced in a variety of dainty shapes depending upon how the dough is chilled. For example, the dough can be formed into a roll and sliced into round cookies; or packed into a pan and sliced into squares or oblongs. For a larger yield ofRefrigerator Nut Cookies, page 14, double the recipe and pack dough into 8″x8″x2″ pan lined with waxed paper. Chill in refrigerator overnight. Turn dough out of pan, remove paper, and cut dough in thirds. Slice and bake as directed.

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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page12-13

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Holidays, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 7

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 12-13

“Here you will notice page 12-13 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”

Better-than-ever Brownies…Spry’s Two-Minute Way!

All ingredients except nuts are blended smoothly together in a single step! Beat for 2 full minutes or count 200 strokes.

Cool thoroughly to avoid crumbling when cutting. Make 4 evenly spaced cuts across brownies each way with long, sharp knife.


Sift into mixing bowl:

3/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour (or 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour)
1 cup sugar
7 tablespoons cocoa
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt


2/3 cup hom*ogenized Spry
2 unbeaten eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon corn sirup

Mix…thoroughly by beating 200 strokes (2 minutes on mixer at low speed). Scrape bowl and spoon once during mixing.

Stir in…1 cup coarsely cut nuts, reserving a few for top of batter. Spread batter in square 8″x8″x2″ Sprycoated pan; sprinkle remaining nuts over top.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 40-45 minutes. Avoid overbaking as it makes brownies less soft and moist.

Cool…in pan on rack 10 minutes. Turn out of pan, finish cooling on rack.

Cut…into squares. Makes 25 brownies 1″ thick.


Combine and cream well:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

Add…1 cup sifted all-purpose flour and blend.

Pack…mixture firmly in 8″ x 12″ Sprycoated pan.

Bake…in slow oven (325°F.) 20 minutes.

Beat…2 eggs well.


1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla, beating until thick and foamy.


2 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 cups shredded coconut
1 cup chopped pecans and blend. Spread over baked mixture in pan.


10 candied cherry halves
10 pecan halves on top.

Bake…in slow oven (325°F.) 25 minutes.

Cool…in pan on wire rack. Cut in small bars or squares. Makes 3 dozen.

Brownies and Sweetmeatsare excellent cookies for mailing because they keep well and travel without breaking or crumbling. Wrap them individually in waxed paper before boxing.

Teatime Date Bars


1/3 cup boiling water over
2 cups chopped dates.

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
2 unbeaten eggs

Add…date mixture and blend.

Sift together:

1 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1/2 cup chopped nuts and blend. Spread mixture in 10″x10″x2″ Sprycoated pan.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 40-45 minutes. Cool in pan; cut in bars, roll in powdered sugar. Makes 24.

Sea Foam Pecan Squares

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/3 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 unbeaten egg yolk

Sift together:

3/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1/2 cup chopped pecans and mix.

Press…dough evenly into shallow oblong Sprycoated pan about 8″x12″.

Beat…1 egg white until stiff and dry.

Add…1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar gradually, beating well after each addition.

Add…1/4 teaspoon vanilla; spread over mixture in pan.

Sprinkle…1/4 cup chopped pecans over top.

Bake…in slow oven (325°F.) 30-35 minutes. Cool.

Cut…into small squares. Makes about 35.

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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page11

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Holidays, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 3

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 11

“Here you will notice page 11 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”


Bar cookiesare the type baked in a cake pan, cooled, then cut into small bars or squares.Brownies(page 12) are doubtless the all-time favorite in this group. hom*ogenized Spry, being soft and plastic, makes it possible to mix Brownies by a method of almost magic ease! And such luscious Brownies…melthingly soft and chocolate-y rich!

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Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page10

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Cookies, Holidays, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Leave a comment

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book page 10

“Here you will notice page 10 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”

Frosted Chocolate Nut Drops

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 unbeaten egg
2 oz. chocolate, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt

Sift together:

1 1/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1/2 cup buttermilk or sour milk and blend.

Add…1 cup chopped walnuts and mix.

Drop…rounded tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 12-15 minutes. Cool.

Frost…tops of cookies with Chocolate Frosting, page 21. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Makes about 3 dozen.

Stone Crock Raisin Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon allspice
2 unbeaten eggs

Sift together:

1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon soda; add half of flour to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1/4 cup buttermilk or sour milk and mix; then add remaining flour, blend.


1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 cup chopped nuts
1 1/2 cups seedless raisins and mix well.

Drop…rounded tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets.

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 12-15 minutes. Makes 5 dozen.

Pineapple Crinkles

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 unbeaten egg

Add…1/2 cup drained canned crushed pineapple and blend.

Sift together:

2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and mix well.

Drop…level tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets.

Sprinkle…with mixture of 1 tablespoon sugar and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.

Bake…in moderately hot oven (375°F.) 12 minutes, or until a delicate brown. Makes 3 dozen.

Gail’s Brown Sugar Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 unbeaten egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift together:

1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder; add 1/2 of flour to Spry mixture and mix well.

Add…2 tablespoons hot water and blend; add remaining flour and blend.


1/2 cup chopped dates
1/2 cup chopped pecans and blend.

Drop…level tablespoons of dough on Spry coated baking sheets. Press cookies lightly with floured tines of fork to flatten slightly.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 10-15 minutes. Makes 3 dozen.

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  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 4-5 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Pages 2-3 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 7 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 9 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 6 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 8 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 18-19 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 12-13 (

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page9

Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 11

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 9

“Here you will notice page 9 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”


Drop cookies, unlikestampedcookies, are merely “dropped” on the baking sheet. Usually the dough is measured out in level tablespoonfuls, leaving space on the cookie sheet to allow for the cookies to spread while baking. Sometimes a teaspoon is used for dropping the dough, but if a round measuring tablespoon is filled level full, then pushed out on the sheet with a spatula, a cookie of nice round shape results.

Drop cookies are often of the soft, moist, cake-like kind though some types flatten during baking to make a crisp, thin cookie. Drop cookies may be glazed or frosted and decorated for an especially attractive appearance.

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  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Pages 2-3 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 7 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 1 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 4-5 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 9 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 8 (

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page8

Aunt Jenny's Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies, Christmas, Holidays, Vintage RecipesDecember 3, 2013Comments: 14

Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book page 8

“Here you will notice page 8 of the Vintage Spry cookbook “Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies”, published in 1952 and distributed by Lever Brothers Company”

Jack-and-Jill Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 unbeaten egg

Sift together:

3/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.


1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup each of finely cut uncooked prunes and apricots (or dates and raisins); mix well.

Measure out…level tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets. Flatten cookies by stamping with a flat-bottomed glass covered with a damp cloth.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 10-12 minutes. Makes 3 dozen.

Peanut Cookies. Omit fruits and add 1/2 cup salted peanuts, chopped fine.

Raisin (or Date) and Peanut. Omit prunes and apricots; add 3/4 cup finely cut raisins or dates; and 1/2 cup salted peanuts, chopped fine.

Patty’s Peanut Butter Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 unbeaten eggs

Sift together:

1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Add…1/2 cup chopped blanched salted peanuts and mix.

Measure out…level tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets and press with fork.

Bake…in moderately slow oven (325°F.) 15-20 minutes. Makes 6 dozen.

Grandmother’s Ginger Cookies

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1/4 cup buttermilk or sour milk
1 unbeaten egg

Add…1 cup molasses and blend.

Sift together:

4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.

Measure out…level tablespoons of dough on Spry coated baking sheets. Flatten cookies by stamping with a flat-bottomed glass covered with a damp cloth.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 12-15 minutes. Makes 6 1/2 dozen.

Party Molasses Crisps

Combine and beat thoroughly:

1/2 cup hom*ogenized Spry
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup molasses
1 unbeaten egg

Sift together:

2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon soda; add to Spry mixture and blend.


1/3 cup finely cut candied orange peel
1/2 cup chopped pecans and blend.

Measure out…level tablespoons of dough on Sprycoated baking sheets. Flatten cookies by stamping with a flat-bottomed glass covered with a damp cloth. Sprinkle with sugar or brush with egg white and sprinkle with chopped pecans and sugar.

Bake…in moderate oven (350°F.) 12-15 minutes. Makes 3 1/2 dozen.

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  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Pages 2-3 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 1 (
  • Aunt Jenny’s Old-Fashioned Christmas Cookies Recipe Book Page 4-5 (
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American Cookery, published by the “orphan” Amelia Simmons in 1796, was the first cookbook by an American to be published in the United States. Its 47 pages (in the first edition) contained fine recipes for roasts—stuffed goose, stuffed leg of veal, roast lamb.

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Dylan Hollis has gathered hundreds of recipes from countless antique cookbooks and selected only the best for this bakebook, sharing the shining stars from each decade.

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The first recorded cookbook is said to be four clay tablets from 1700 BC in Ancient Mesopotamia, but by the 1300s, cookbooks were a norm for kings and nobles. In 1390, Forme of Cury (The Rules of Cookery) was published for–but not by–King Richard II.

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Malinda Russell
Occupation(s)cook, pastry chef
Years active1840–66
Known forwriting the first cookbook penned by an African-American woman in the U.S.
Notable workDomestic Cook Book: Containing a Careful Selection of Useful Receipts for the Kitchen (1866)
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This recipe, one of the first published recipes for pumpkin pie, comes from Amelia Simmons' 1796 cookbook American Cookery, the first cookbook written by an American to be published in the United States.

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nara smith | TikTok. She makes healthy meals, dresses elegantly, and has a voice that could send you to sleep. in a good way.

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in the bottom right corner, the share button, and search for recipes there. The recipe index. also will take you to different categories as well.

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About the Author. B. Dylan Hollis is a social media personality who has tasked himself with baking and tasting unusual recipes from bygone years. Born and raised on the island of Bermuda, he later attended college at the University of Wyoming to further a career as a jazz pianist and arranger.


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