The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY EBRUARY 19 1961 Noted Steward to Doc Johnston Tribe irst Clevelanders Seek RELIGION IN REVIEW Sacker in '20 Series Dies lorida Victory Desig Sing! RrnfharhnnH CiKJmZ Brotherhood Sunday? one I pulpits Wheeler (Doc) Johnston will inaugurates the 440 NE Shoemaker 2 80 ip Try It Don Rickies Hodge ovuu au orator lichtu i Pai uoyds ield Gem Town selling ast then having to make some extra condition book by the first of Harris is an effort miles per JIM PASCHAL to meet safety rainbow and think about race of the the 4 80 880 that land top ad the 260 400 280 Home vs and 3 60 3 SO 1240 Light Choisser who had representative of the Illinois rae i commission at a 1 1 Chicago area tracks for the last four 5 ears accepted a Cleveland posi tion for the first time Haus and Ed ward DeBai tolo Youngstown (O owner of has been 147 mph Wheeler (Doc) Johnston for mer first baseman for the Cleveland Indians died yester day at Chattanooga Tenn afjer a long illness The 73 year old Johnston was was a member of the Tribe lor seven of his 11 years in the major leagues and batted 292 in 147 games for the world champion Indians in 1920 Steve a former Johnston teammate recalled here last night that was a wonderful bal Iplayer and the type that never caused any did have one trick he nked to O'Neill recalled 'When facing a low ball pitch er hitch his trousers up above his knees and when opposed a high ball pitcher hed pull his pant legs down as low as he Johnston broke into the ma jor leagues briefly with Cincin nati in 1909 After two years in the minors he joined Cleve land in 1912 and stayed until 1915 when he was traded to Pittsburgh He returned to the Indians in 1918 but in 1922 was sent to the Philadelphia Athletics and closed his career that season His finest season In the ma jors came in 1918 when he batted 305 for the Indians in 102 games A native of Cleveland Tenn Johnson spent 25 years as a plant manager of an oil and re fining company in Chattanooga until he retired in 1951 SPINNING WHEELS: Mack Clingan here from Cleveland with the Wright Russo car pit crew has been spending part of his time in the Tampa area getting a line on several mid western sprint cars competing in that district He is consider ing purchasing one to be con verted into a super modified Practice laps of 155 mph are about the only speed runs which draw more than a mur mur from the fans who gather each day to watch the colorful activity A year ago 150 mph was something that brought the people to their feet 260 320 360 LARRY RANK changes in order specifications Bob May of Auburn Corners seems to stand a good chance of getting into the limelight with his head job with three year MARC cham pion Nelson Stacy Stacy roared to nearly 153 mph within his first 20 laps on the big 2 mile tri oval 4 60 500 Gsme Ronnie's Ace (f jRablero are commanded to love another Wouldn't Be Necessary "When the day arrives ministers throughout the will fearlessly take a stand on love and brotherhood pulpit exchanges will no longer be necessary for congregations everywhere will consist of all the colors of the no one will ever the color or the preacher In the Rev Mr Andrews concluded if ministers cannot do this in their own pulpit what makes them think they can ac complish anything on one Sun day in someone else's May the day hasten when Race Relations Sunday and Brotherhood Week will be ob served in the manner of Labor Day and Independence Day times of remembering the ac complishment of ideals long since realized and cherished rather than a far off dream given a dutiful token nod 1 1 Negroes Arrested in Clash in lorida ST PETERSBURG la Three policemen were injured and 11 Negroes arrested in a clash between a crowd of about 300 negroes and 15 police offi cers early yesterday A crowd throwing bottles and rocks gathered after ar rest of Clethurs Smith Jr a Negro who was charged with disorderly conduct in a night club In a scuffle with Smith? Patrolman James King was pushed through a glass door Patrolman Gore was treated for a wrenched shoul der and bruises and Crawford suffered a knife wound in his right forearm Ten pf those arrested were found guilty in municipal court and given fines and jail terms Charges against the eleventh were dropped Smith received a jail sentence of 30 days and a fine of $30 By Richard Wager Religion Editor Today marks the beginning of Brotherhood Week Last Sunday was observed as Race Relations Sunday While a number of Negro clergymen exchanged with their white col 1 eagues throughout Greater Cleve land one the Rev Richard Andrews did not and for reason In his sermon at Mount Zion ngregational i run ineRCHAR0 WAGER minister asserted: "I can see ho eabthly reason why a Negro minister will be invited to a suburban area on one special Sunday to deliver a sermon and yet be unable to live in that area or be welcomed at worship in that same church on the following is not some thing novel that needs to be he continued "It is not a force to be employed nor an ideal that needs to be promoted but it is a fact and a commandment of God What of Other 51 Sundays? "If the Christian Church still finds it necessary to set aside one Sunday a year to proclaim brotherhood what does it pro claim on the other 51 Sundays of the year? "Maybe we still feel a need to observe this day to remind us of our folishness and our refusal to accept it as a Chris tian commandment "There are many among us who will say that one Sunday a year is better than no ob servance at he told his congregation might be able to go along with this line of reasoning if brotherhood were an ideal but it is a fact The whole Christian religion is sup posed to accept the fact that God made of one blood al na tions of men We are given no optional choices but rather we MOKGE LEWS the ThistleDown and Randall properties were enthusiastic over Choisser's decision to join the Come to Cleveland move ment The Illinois official fills a vacancy created by the shift of Linus Pierce to the post of racing secretary for all three meetings here Haus said that he believes Choisser's acceptance was prompted by Chicago withdrawal from the Thorough bred Racing Association Ac cording to the general mana ger many turf officials choose to work only at courses with TRA affiliation Lifetime in Sport Although a racing official for only eight years the 51 year old Choisser has spent nearly a lifetime in raising and breeding thoroughbreds on family acre age in Southern Illinois He was born in El Dorado attended school there and re ceived a law degree from John Marshall College in Chicago' After returning to Southern Illinois he opened his own law office and was elected a county judge He served on the bench for eight years During this time Choisser re tained his interest in the breed ing farm and still owns a num ber of brood mares Sawithe Big Ones In 1953 Ralph was appointed a state steward by the Illinois racing commission and served first at Cahokia Downs and airmount Park near St Louis for four years His Chicago duties which i embraced the Arlington Bal Swim Marks Western Reserve swimming team set two school records as it tied Warren Hard ing 43 43 yesterday at Hudson Bill Power of the winners broke his own record in the 100 yard butterfly with a time of 1:011 and bettered his 200 yard individual medley mark with a 2:36 clocking Kent State High won the last event the 200 yard freestyle relay by a body length to de feat Shaker Heights 47 39 atKent Ralph Choisser moral Washington Hawthorne and Sportsman Park meetings started in 1957 He presided over the annual runnings of such outstanding events as the Arlington Classic American Derby Lassie Stakes and Haw thorne Gold Cup Haus also revealed stall applications for his three meet ings have been mailed to horse men all over the country The first Randall will be ready Mai ch Randall Cuyahoga County running sea son May 24 followed by Thistle Down July 15 and Cranwood at Thistle Sept 8: HARNESS HORSE George Tipling the 90 year old Cleveland harness horse fancier writes from lorida that several sons and daughters of former star Keystoner are training well at Pompano These include Keystoner Cobum Watch Key Coral Key and Maud Ellen rom Key stoner's first crop last year emerged the stake winners Keystoner Direct 2:01 ts who was sold for $25000 and Tip Keystoner Tip 2:02 Keystoner is the only Ohio owned horse who has cap tured the Little Brown Jug at Delaware (X performing the trick in 1953 when he was ac claimed Ohio harness horse of the year 380 700 out 7 20 Irish Orator llcht Lake Erie A AU singles tourney 21 15' semifinal Pete Marich Broadway Recreation Center elice will meet Rich Argen who drew a bye for the cham pionship today at 3 SENIOR Quarterfinals: Tony elice defeated Gil Slngerman 21 4 21 10: Semifinals: Tony elice defeated Pete Marich 21 8 21 15 SENIOR Semifinals: Sid KHne and Stngcrman defeated Bob Vandeveer and Carl Peterson 21 8 21 6 JUNIOR MEN semifinals: Vandeveer defeated Andy Okulovich 21 16 21 1: Mike Lewis defeated Jim Bennett 21 32 21 16 JUNIOR Semifinals: Jim Boyland an rank Lorek defeated rank DlRwse and Joe Dadnetti 21 18 i i 7 INALS JUNIOR Lewis Vandeveer 1:30 JUNIOR Boyland Lorek vs Lewis and Bennett 2:30 SENIOR MEN'S elkS Rirh 3 SENIOR Sid Kline and rlnzerman vs Sheldon Pearlman and Pat Vandettl 4 480 4 40 6 fin Boston Teaparty Ashland Triumphs ASHLAND Ashland Col lege led most of the way to capture an 80 75 Mid Ohio Con ference basketball victory over Cedarville despite 31 points by the losers' Sam Canine and 22 by Dave Jeremiah Larry Aul ger and Dick McKenzie had 21 and 20 respectively for Ash land 6 5 in the league and 11 9 overall Join Tracks Here By GEORGE LEWIS Gilbert Haus general manager of the Randall ThistleDown and Cranwood meetings yesterday reached into Illinois to engage a nationally prominent steward for the entire Cuyahoga County thoroughbred racing season Ralph presided as elice Reaches Handball inal Tony elice the ranking handball player vanced to the finals in senior with a 21 8 victory over yesterday at By JOHN LEMMO DAYTONA BEACH This wintertime mecca for the seeker of speed is buzzing as stock cars reach 150 miles an hour with seeming ease and the hones of Northern Ohio proceed toward the starting line in a in rec entry parlay Best local bet for another appearance in victory lane next Sunday in fheSOO mile classic will be the entry be longing to the Daytona Beach Kennel Club owned by John Mason! of Cleveland and the Lomcardo interests which also control Cloverleaf Speedway Their first venture into big time racing a year ago netted one for one and about a $28 000 peturn This year they have spon sored a 1961 Pontiac which is the favored mechanical steed in the pre race consensus and have chosen a driver respected 1 as one of the best and overdue I for a big pay day Paschal to Be Pilot The factory fresh auto be piloted by Jim Paschal High Point' and will again be tended by the 1960 winning mechanic Ray ox practice runs in the white No 3 sedan have pro duced some laps clocked at around 153 154 mph' which would insure him a race berth Earlier it had been an nounced that Bobby Johns of Miami would steer the entry but the fact that it will again be pointed for an all out one time shot and then likely be sold prompted Johns to switch to a ride which will keep him active in the NASCAR circuit The 1960 ord owned by Clevelander Dick Wright and Bill Russo and steered by for mer Ohioan Larry rank hasn't reached any phenominal speeds and mechanic Herb trying everything in to get a few more hour rank by running (floored and pedal) able to squeeze out but knows he punish his engine in that manner for 500 mdes Tony Lavati of North Olm sted has not logged too much time on' the track after getting here later than he figured and Santa Anita Result ml AU SPECIAL Shoemaker 420 QUITS A Valenzuela 440 JACK DI XA' Mnronn Aimed Miss El Snack Groundsklmier Dixies Darling Markstyme Bay Devil Hawk air Louise Bold Capitol 6 fur 1:11: ANTONE Moreno 5180 2400 1520 TRAVEL BOOK Harmatz 1080 720 LASHY TOKEN Burns 8 80 Hear Ye Aorangi College Boy Valley renprtrkchiiri Vmn uv Jupnmv Diiuauilll HJ fl rma 1 rt i 11111 is 1 A mi l433i: BALLPOINT Shoemaker 480 340 RUN A Valenzuela 760 HARRY WRAGG I Valenzuela Bashful Beau latterer Going Systematic 6 fur INDIAN VILLA GE Morpnn 10 oa CURRASPEED I Valenzuela 6 20 Elbruz Lmirlc Prince Icl'rna tlirl i ield Sen ice Maleficent 6 Tur JiOO3 INNEGAN GlIHean 700 ORPHAN Pierce RIRRIR Mtinnrf Clandestine (aiPrezious' Hoard' Prince lamb IT oihcuii lajADHS Anwar Windy Sands (aiWest trained entry: li 1:484 IRST BALCONY Neves 1250 7 20 TOP CALIBER A Maese 1580 TlVK'TvnMi? nrvs U1 I I Ivrud lfhllnr SEVENTH 1 mi 1:42 LUTTERBY Longden 700 TIMES Shoemaker WIRE US Neves Bent Spur Dr Miller Talk Captain air Bomboy Mighty Mine 1 1 Shelby vine tfiMutuel field 1 ni TERCIOPELO fJOTaker 00 460 LASH Ohayon 11 20 MAIN CONTENDER Bums 4 cunei Lad 1 3 60 580 620 Knight if i i 1 I StMT' A Bl mJ YESTERDAY'S RACE RESULTS Sunshine Results 3 20 and and AlUhgpm 340 400 Range 3 80 Miss 00 560 33801860 Collect 70 ydi Gal Oaklawn Results Hialeah Results 320 9 60 Swing Lucky Dream Acme Gin Gay Revoke 9 60 Bay Por 1190 360 380 449 500 260 340 860 1340 560 300 280 360 360 50 630 320 360 880 460 340 500 940 580 2060 340 300 300 340 280 440 880 620 1040 540 730 500 410 500 350 290 400 or 3 00 6 40 530 610 720 920 380 60 60 00 320 270 3 40 Wtlloe 380 360 420 430 Rose Tulsa Call 1 440 800 820 300 460 240 Glass Ruby 320 280 Tupee Rain 860 9 40 670 Mate 240 300 280 Magic 5 00 380 320 320 360 Ruyal 280 300 440 Essie 450 330 1680 1020 1300 fur H14S: 560 700 380 Head Pat 460 3 60 4 00 280 420 Prophet 2 80 280 3 0u Jane 570 370 360 Merry 3 00 3 R0 440 Noble 2 40 260 260 End 1:10: 740 '460 2780 260 420 430 Jet Marie 3 20 340 4 20 Crafty 5 80 4 60 320 4 60 1020 540 1 Olympia's 5 40 3 6 20 3 1000 430 450 3RO 320 Bay Bremer Miux Doctor 1040 BONANZA Parker BRACELET Sollars Pine Limey 580 720 460 Arctic (a)ill A Little 4 60 320 4 00 air 580 390 Slalpner Hubcap Go Go Image 1:16: 360 350 400 7 oclto Queen ayette 22 60 12 20 Stovall 7 00 Corle 3 20 360 1020 400 1220 820 2340 Oliver 3 00 480 4 40 Mid River Questienne 2 20 240 2 fin Captain Ad 680 380 36(Jf 2 80 2 80 2 Rn Marjo Duke Damocles 1:50: 480 330 400 320 28U 2 fin Leo Baker 700 400 6 60 360 1170 630 Lad Haroy 7 fur 132H: 310 360 340 6 fur 1:18: MIGHTY LEET Speaker 700 4 40 WHIZ ALONG Metivier 540 MISS GOLIAD Sorensen Star rhallasun Helen Little Broker Cygnus La Salrlna Gallant All Airfilter Little Chap 580 3 80 920 290 7 30 260 280 nn Bull War Primrose 1 ml LICORICE STICK McKenzie 3000 1060 SPARK MARKER Miller 480 KNIE SIcikp Top News Guided Tour Eagle Eve jr gjerenaae 1 ianeim Rare Dance Texas Qua ire provf NINTH Mlle GOIJ1EN WEDDING Miller PAMBO Mercier PAT'S DUKE Parent in rtiv 1 it Greek Ktjight Memory Bowie Results TIMT fur 1 1SH JKSPKR Muk 948 OO ROCKY AIRWAY Reynold 480 MASTER MYTH Crren Kiser Kin? Little Marcia Little Nubby Imperial Jade Lagrin Cxl Judgement 2nd Prlcewise Surprise Attack Smiler 6 ALLAGHEM Northcut 4 RUN BULLY MELANESIA LU Music Have Nice Luck Teamsters uoive inipavHQ MonregQ ton avor Me Me Mr ataon DAILY DOUBLE: Jespep land 2) paid 324020 THIKD I 1:51: REE mover Espinoso 6 60 3 40 SAVPCOT Arduini 360 cwl uiKL uuvu Adams Stormy One Miss irst Brother Handy fourth 1 1:494: MOD'T COUNT Cutshaw 1020 MATRIMONY Mclvor SARATOGA PETE Kratz neo imuoie Clinical Proof ITH IA A'iDUn Ji Gonzalez ICEMAN Adams BOUNTIUL LADY Southern Pomp 380 1060 154 0 Jack Torch Singer Erme Santa ampum 370 3 60 3 60 3rd Taft Glace (a)Radac Volunteer King MOCO Ernst HAP Landing PLAY REWARD Helm Open Way wild Array Ylldirim Blaze Longfield 1 70 ydf 1:50: ANDY JOHNSON Boucher 1350 590 THE POSE Lucas 30 cvmmrnnv Royal Rouge Harrodsburg Baby Pennies Collect Arab League 6 fur ADMIRAL MISS Wall 3610 2290 HELLO MARY owler 1840BLUE LY Lucas Bic And Blue Hadabeau Brecada Pencil Lady Termite Lil Puddin com county ield 1 70 yds 1:49: SEA VENTURE McCracken 2340 1050 ROMAN PRAISE SaumeU 840 LYNCH BILLIE Llnham Bozenta Vtncentown Conner Omayana Treaty stone irst Blaster DAILY DOUBLE: Admiral Miss and Sea venture 7) paid stiibau THIRD 6 fur 1:15: BAD BOY BILL Stone 570 310 JIMMY GO ROUND Belanger 540COL TOWN Root Petslan Princess Golden Melody sanaaiM Ancient risioi tciou Boy Virginia Bulnes Jcdgar 6 fur 1:15: CONDUCT CODE Pagano 680 390 ATHENAL Boucher 490 SILVER ROBBY Tromblev ChintMjk Miss White Oak Miss Destroyer star buitan Blue mukk 5VA fur 1:08: SPY HOPE Dalgo 2910 1270 DROGHEDA Trombley 500 DOO ETTA Heim Onast Hntrtf Plmnemei Roberta Sound Barner Lunette en And Pencil Star Dog 6 fur I14S: VALK Walt 880 500 340 GLOW WORM Dtlhn 570 4 40 TOWN LOAER Birkmaier 430 Dark leet Steve Hvdrobot Al Cash OO Poo Doo Bell Sir Bedivcre oley corner Tai snan 1H 1:58: CHANCE THOUGHT DeSplrtto 1890 CORNER HOUSE Birkmaier snrw TItrw hrrrran enny star sea 4 nn HI SAC MChoiwn I800 1000 SPIGOT Miller 50 Mitcx'hondria Reyntxiurne Tarry ar By Marshal Amony Odtiam County Brush DA1LY Towy Spaata Lee's Avt (4 and 8) paid 512360 5 fur itoax: ADRIL1TO Skuse 600 340 1 I PITTSBURGH LADY iHrtVua HAT BAND Dunlaw Cedrela a Zifah Captain Rose cufl tuiuuii) aian circus wicks Pride J'he Cat (biNew entry (b)Cliapman Strean entry OURTH ENTENTE Gambardella TETRA WWN SAD Mercier Wemme Brandina's Girl Trail Jeweled Collar 5 fur CONCEDE Allan 980 6 00 CHECK THE BET Donahue 2u00 ENDLESS ACRES Smith VVineuw Peoble Ace Parson Smith nauenna savemenow Ace Primer War Tax 7 fur Altn ir 'X uur i Mir iUN SUriPrNSE Skuse RING ON GEORGIA Mercier xaiauua gine cera uau Jones 5 fur 1:00: PRINCESS STREET PRINCE (ft) WAR Psi fl Harieigh Hp Hip Hurrah Dadswood (aiCarter entry fur lilOSr WARBOW Larkin 520 380 OUR DUDE Hanley 640 PTOK Collier Western Book Pet Royal Our Ruthie Namron Rica Rush Valdamar loating Stride The Lip Mid East DAILY DOUBLE: Mighty leet and Warbow (3 b) paia 6 fur IRST TIGER RfKendah! 720 440 SCOOTER Collins 1860 TECHNACANA Down Ripprrty Indian With Txive Market Colonel Norm Mr Georgia 5 fur ELCHAC Snraker EXTRA DIVIDEND Lewis RtlW DRO Holcomb Chendzob Oscar Ot Primele Jay BecKs Man maian naoy Volunteer Vixen Coroebus 6 fur 1:143 MOTY TAW Johnson 720 WILL Rnsendahl DITCH ROAD Soraker Michael Henry Wading Butch Sonic Regent 5H fur GLENCOE KID Nichols 2240 11 60 KOWTOW Soremen 5 00 REARING TRUMPET iJirktn Race Extra Little Atlas Aficionado ou Batne Bernie Delta Gal 6 tUr JUST DUCKY Sorensen HUDSON KID Goucher SHAN PAC La kln Tick Me Snoozte Sports Reporter roxey iniei wujck wit rtasn vaaei Leaf The Chosen One Inset fur EIGHT AGAIN Larkin 1940 1020 DEEMSTER Smithson 29 20 LEADSTEALER Sorensen Little itz Grand Wizard StatisticianRed Jack Ace Destructor irst Money Our Special Jet Old Cash Safe Message 1 70 1 48: SHADOW BRUSH Rosendahl 8260 25 60 10 00 SLENDER RED Campbell 660 480 TOP HAT Sorensen 5 20 Dave Johnston By Publicity Man Androb Sooner State Sar Har Bob Morrow Esdraelon Grimm Anarii Dri 4 Dancer 'Gloucesier Road handonal post ive SIXTH 6 fur 1L7: JANE Cutshaw 1380 800 lArtu'iAA sorrentmo ED SCHOLAR Korte 660 Gem Hawk swing Sword Genaway ski Bunny Hom Andy Gold Ronde lalt kiuval 171111 8 lur 1:144 Galley hill Sorrentino 2510 1180 ICH BIN Lee 7oo PARTY Reynold Eater Beaver Dark Tale Sp Gem Countess OU ibiMiss Tradition ibiswet Susie Lincoln Downs Results 5 fur 1:01: TOOEY SPAATZ McKenzie 00 4 60 PLAY BALL WILSON Donahue 440 CrAMP Allan nrea' Ace Hello 'Pop Southern Style Darlin Lcedstown Alter Ego Nite Of Suspense Reward SECOND 5 fur 1:01 roau I air Grounds Results 6 lur 1:14: CAPTAIN QUICK Guyton 1100 640 BOBBY RIT Manganelio 520 OPTIQUEST Deroin 1 Home olks Mr Mud Bug World Traveler Dusty Admiral High Adventure rural isvuuie SECOND 6 fur HELOPIC Vtncifora 600 Daring duch*ess Kono HIP WORK Young Lisa Csrlne Rle Lady Chlapella Gibby Absolute aith DAILY DOUBLE Captain Quick and He tvyiv paid aiz4u THIRD About A HIRED DOWN Young 14 20 6 80 PINE IRE Meaux 1040 PDDbL ml coirman Wonder Sis Dtsario Miss Natco Saturday Angel Happy Emily (a)Leblanc entry 6 tun 1:15: BABE Phelps 2180 KISER RAY C'Kjk MINS BaBY Rmgquist Buckaroo Brave Omar's Hour Light Touch 6 fur 1:13: LT JAYGEE Heckmann 360 AILING WA'E Wat JA BELLE Young Diamond Heir TD6 Orator Vice Headwind SIXTH 6 fur WALT Nono 600 ONEBYALENGTH Wajda BUMMER RAIN Baldwin Thinking Man Desert Goddess Belle irst Sitting 1 A BLUE CROON leselman 8 60 4 80 KING KENTUCKY Nono 520 ORLEm nnrE Wald Colonel Ovid (a)Oil Patch (a)rince Nerlda Come of Age Loyal Son Double alien aBrown entry 6 fur 1:12: OLLY Nono 820 ANDREW Combest aPVrRJNV Mellon Galveston Guy Marsllld Becky Loti Jet Aisembly (a)Sun Better Summer Storm (B) eunop siaoie emry mi 1:51: GREEK STAR Broussard 9 40 ALL HANDS Heckmann ROAD HOUSE Hernandez tier Tnn flrstf Zstacion' Tenacious 1 8 AM BEE Younz 700 HONEY HUSH Mellon CU'r Manranello Randy Hard Sea Ice Ken Court Cicely Gun case Snomnis laming (tnCabeln Stable Corcoran entry 6 fur 1:142: COTCH BULL Grimm 1040 580 MR EGOTIST Corle 11 40 MR BERNIE Shuit Mr Tlior Mirhty Monster Monas roblem Hot Carso (aiBugom Think sJCaney ork taiLotler entry 1A ml 1:51: ALBIA Curie 660 440 300 NEL BLU Mclvor 1360 740 DARK VIKING Walker 20 My luht Aquarian Age King Cotton asuuavsssc la Oii VI XUIlg AllCy 2:35: CON VIC Hinojosa 740 500 ROY'L MIRA WAY Stevenson 1760i I rwv A Tf a a rs C5I1UU1 Aymure Shrewbury Rocks Third Port Vivi Estelle ire Hun ung SECOND 6 fur SWING SPAN Hartack 1590 CRESWOOD PAUL Blum LEET TOGETHER Sellera IlnerfHlha! evi IP iuvas MAI AILUL Th? Roost Curlicue Commandeer White Bait Promoter Dream Camp Royal aju nLt cun vic anu Span (68) paid $7790 1:52: UNDAMENTAL Blum 4170 1860 OPEN NOTE Hartack 750 ROYAL BORDER Sellers Magniflque Red Scrapper Sinners Quest Black MaK Post Time Jue Sunfln 7 fur 1:25 LENDING HAND Ussery CUOLHA Sellers GOLDLOWER Hartack Polymrna Sea Scud Epitome (in sta KcicDini Miss Summons Destiny's Turn 1 A AUGUST SUN Hartack 1080 RANCLSCON Hinojos BEST BROTHER BiUm Rigoletto II Prlpoly Croatia To tune 6 fur MERRY RULER Gilbert 9 10 510 JETS PAT Yother 450 OAK DANDY HinofOS atigue QuiUita Rocky Bend Wooden Nickel Bronze JeL Count Eric Al Pefley Clear ork Lou Pelton 2:01: (b)YORKY Sellers 330 230 NEVER GIVE IN Ussery 360 330 BOURBON PRINCE Rogers 4 70 (a)Miraclo Degrtck (b)On And On (t)Banai Don roggio (a)Abdala entry IbiCalumet arm entry EIGHTH Ift ml EURASIA Boulmetis 890 440 (a MOZART Grant 320 a CIVIC GUARD Blum Noholme 2nd Highlander Coach Wally Gone Native laiKroes? entry 6 fur DACE Or Ait Rotz GYRO Hinojosa MAYRE BEST Seilers Dickie Don Persian Spy Island ord eminine Mood Anit Is This the Year for the Cleveland Indians? Gordon Cobbledick Plain Dealer sports editor Bob Dolgan baseball writer and Norbert Yassanye photographer are on the scene in Tucson to cover the 1 spring training season or the next 7 weeks our Plain Dealer team will report to you from the diamond the dugout and dressing room They will describe in i words and pictures the new players pitching prospects and batting power of a team reaching for the pennant i 1 The action and atmosphere of Tucson are as close to you as the sport pages of your favorite newspaper ollow the Indians at Tucson Every Day a ''7 Starting Today on the Sport Pages of the CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER I az glu iCTi i BiLN g'' A 4 4 'TV 1.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.