The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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1 20 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER WEDNESDAY EBRUARY 12 1958 AMUsem*nTS AMUsem*nTS Joblessness MUSIC HALL MUSIC HALL GISELLE In 2 Acts MARINE PAS DE DEUX (Nutcracker) for the City Makes Survey INTERPLAY TICKETS: of Port's Potential No More Cuts HANNA Mat Today at 2:30 Tonite at 8:30 2989 HOURS 8 year 31 off since October 36 58 36 Seek Space Here Ohio Bureau Plain Dealer Readers Buy Most! for re XES GIRLS Hl I GENE KELLY MITZI GAYNOR 3H0WN warmer already 20th Century ox scien Haen and Close Prev Cl ASTOR 320 15 ree Parking Adjacent to Bldgs Assets $55 Million n85 offices SAVE YOUR e9 tCMCSTf PR I67fc Kkx CinemaScOPE TODAY at YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRE ederal Savings has sus bowling that are Midnight Tuesday not as target prob said that unless were transferred PLUS 2ND HIT! ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD COULDN'T BUY YOUR HEART 0 GLORIOUS A TIME! AS 3 COINSI IlOO I 9:10 Vanguard rocket thing like a fine 1182 1185 KUh CK 1 6077 SHADOW NOV 1957 $9898 40 6 DEC 1957 $9430 394 40 5 46 28 5114 27 4 1 12 24 2 1 38 cl*tON WEBB DOROTHY WAGES HOURS worked per week figure a year ago was the estimate re yesterday by Donald area director of the Low 20 63 3 BEN STEANSKI President 64 62 39'i 60U 'tk ATOMIC ANOTOMYj Mon thru Thurs Eves Orch $400 Men $350 Bale 300 250 200 ri and Sat Eves Orch $450 Men 400 Bale 350 300 250 Matinees Wed and Sat Orch $350 Men $300 Bale 250 200 150 CURRENT RATE ON SAVINGS Savings Accounts Insurto Up ft $1000000 free gift with lich nt living! iccouni add te you present saving! account 2990 12 1 1 67 John Moyer Tej Temples of India Calcutta Mysterious India in ail it's Pageantry and Color 45 25 4 20 70 By JOHN BEABER Plain Dealer Bureau CANTON eb Pri vate relief programs reminiscent of the 1930s may soon be put into motion under Mayor Charles plan if unemployment continues to rise in Canton The plan would include such things as free haircuts to needy school children free movies and bowling to those who donate food and clothing and clothing drives for hard hit families Mayor Babco*ck and other city officials will meet Saturday with representatives of various veterans civic church and busi ness groups to discuss and de vise a special aid program The mayor indicated today he was encouraged with the re sponse from citizens to his ideas for additional help needy The ord Motcfr Co pended action in four leagues and a tournament as a result of the layoffs Some leagues are operating with four man teams and one league has lost numerous members because of their inability to meet week ly bowling expenses Canton which has seen A steady rise in unemployment in recent months has been listed by the Department of Labor as one of the major danger areas in the nation Steel the main indus try is hardest hit and is show ing little signs of recovery at the moment Deports have in dicated some plants are operat ing at 35 to 40 of capacity Calls It Critical Area John Johns District 27 director of the United Steel Workers said feel Canton is a critical area and unemploy ment in all industries is more than 10 "A gradual decline in employ ment in the last six months has caused a drop of 10000 in mem bership in my district Several thousand workers of the 31500 still on the rolls are working less than 40 hours a Massillon which relies on Republic Steel Corp for most of its jobs is experiencing a similar situation Republic Steel in Massillon has shut down its steel and iron making operations there until business conditions im Repors Record Profit DETROIT eb 11 Parke Davis Co today reported rec ord net profits of $27929887 for 1957 The drug pre vious profit high was $19053 742 in 1951 The net sales were $162287823 compared with the previous record of $138136475 in 1951 STARTS TODAY 2 GREAT EATURES ON ONE GIANT PROGRAM MISS THEM! This is the kind of luncheon discussion a couple of lawyers held yesterday One William Papenbrock said he knew the other Joseph was learned in the field of municipal law Crowley the chief coun sel smiled modestly Therefore Papenbrock con tinued did Crowley know the definition of a Crowley had to admit he kjicw stuffer" appeared in the city penal code but could not define it The two men trustees of the Legal Aid Society left meeting and went to their Officials of the of' Unemployment Compensa tion are looking around for a fifth office in the Cleveland area because the four existing offices arc overcrowded with claimants need temporary emer gency quarters downtown for as long as these job layoffs con tinue" James Tichenor BUC administrator told the Plain Dealer yesterday Tichenor said negotiations were in progress for a month to month lease of the first floor or basem*nt in the Seneca Building on 3d Street which formerly served as BUC head quarters Opening of the new office i would probably mean that 70 temporary employes would be added to the Cleveland BUC staff he continued The other offices are at 2163 Chester Avenue 17123 Lorain Avenue 14814 St Clair Avenue and 15807 Libby Road Maple Heights run out of space and we're bursting at the seams" Tichenor said can just get the claimants The Chester office was in tended to accommodate 15000 persons but last week it had to take care of 19189 claim ants the administrator report ed In addition 2168 new claims were filed there KAY KENDALL TAINAEIG te itonwg JACQUES BERGERAC A CINEMASCOPE and METROCOLOR Tickets at BURROWS 419 Euclid Ave Tickets may be ordered and charged at HIGBEE'S MUSIC CH 1 4600 Ext 704 28 8 27 31 70 29 25 51 45 8 3 2 1 LET'S SEE NOW A STU WATCHER WOULD BE SOMEONE WHO WATCHED NICE STU WALKIN' DOWN THE STREET? OL4 WATCH WONDER HOW THEY CRAM COMPANY 100 Sat eb PAEAM (irst Time In Cleveland) ANCY REE PAS DE DEUX (Black Swan) OENBACH IN THE UNDERWORLD Low 5 Louisville 34 Memphis 1 MlamLrv 27 Mpls SLPI 25 Orleans cy 1 2 New York 28 Omalia 14 Okla City cy 45 Philad'phla 6 Phenix 1 5 Pittsbursn 33 Port'd Me 6 Ore 5 RaleiRh 6 Rapid City 22 Rtchmond pc 6 St Louis 14 Salt Lake oy 44 Antonio cy 6 San 27 rancisco 34 stSteMarie 17 Seattle 3 5 Spokane cy 1 1 Tampa 50 Washington Wichlta 6359 60s 126 120 112 114 2'21)" 228 SAT EB EMIL By HOMER HENDRICKSON Marine Editor One of the first attempts ever made by a Great Lakes city to determine its port po tential has just been completed by Cleveland's Department of Port Control Preliminary results indicate that Cleveland his a good chance of becoming the busiest general cargo port an the lakes Nearly 15000 manufacturers TRAVEL BY TRAVELOGUE It Does Work Nassau Observes The is "a beautiful but the Army Jupiter is simple and rough and it worked because launch ing a satellite is tough Dr Jason Nassau said last night The Case Institute of Tech nology astronomer spoke on space to members of the Cleve land Regional Council of Sci ence Teachers at the Warner Swasey Observatory He gave some inside infor mation he has gained from America's Explorer satellite as a member of the US Inter national Geophysical Year team: TEMPERATURE in the sat ellite 4is about 100 degrees rahrenheit somewhat than Cleveland IT HAS PROBABLY been hit by small meteors on its flights around the world uture satellites will gain information in other fields be cause one satellite cannot carry enough instruments to make all the measurements IGY tists want Nassau said He said the next big for space shooters will ably be fhe moon Mergers Expansions NEW YORK eb 11 oiiu ilian interests will build an instant 15 8:30 20 1 1 43 March May July bept Dre CORN: March May July Sept Dec OATS March May 216 211 1 87 190 195 110 111 117 117 113 re not ex 1 63159 CITIES HiRh 28 LOUIS JOURDAN MAGGIt McNamara 4 SHOWS toif 100 7 30 1 lAtl I HOW tVtRV YAY 1HO THE WORLD ADVENTURE SERIES Masonic Auditorium WM INN Diractor 36th Euclid HE 2 2233 GRANADA? OlteOlt AVI Tues eb 18 Reserved Seats Burrows Masonic Aud Child 60c New Layoffs Hit Rail Air Up 90 Here in 2 Months 23 2 15 BUC Gives Estimate 57000 Unemployed Unemployment has risen 90 in Cuyahoga and Lake Counties in the last two months The number out of work on eb was almost double the number on Dec 1 and more twice as high as the This leased Smith Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation igures inally Released The figures were made avail able several hours after the Plain Dealer reported they were being wthheld from the public Approving the release "with my blessing" was James Tichenor BUC administrator in Columbus Tichenor flew to Cleveland for a conference with Smith The administrator overruled a ban on information that had been inspired by William Papier research director of 1he BUC or several months Smith had released his estimates to the newspapers every two months Equals igure According to Smith unem ployment now equals the high est figure reached in the 1949 recession Of every 1000 wage and salary earners in Cuyahoga and Lake Counties 71 are jobless This compares with 37 on Dec 1 and 31 on eb 1 1957 While the jobless figure has been rising gross wages and the number of hours worked have been declining This is shbwn in the following table compiled by the BUC and the US Bureau of Labor Statistics: DEC 1956 $10033 425 Legal Eagles Take Time to Look Up 'Watch Stutters' Banm tsea level) Temp (dry bulb) Temp wet bulb) Humidity (relative) Humidity t's rains i Precipitation TEMPERATURES AT STATED By the Associated Press New layoffs were reported1 Tuesday in the railroad airline and aircraft industries They came in the wake of cutbacks by auto metal glass and rubber companies In Wash ington the commerce and labor departments said unemploy ment jumped 'by 1120000 last month to a total of $4494000 It was the biggest monthly rise since World War II Chesapeake Ohio Railway said a business decline and drop in rail traffic will cause the lavoff of 1000 employes by eb 24 The Baltimore Ohio Rail road announced it would fur lough an undisclosed number of clerical workers Curtiss Wright Corp in Wood Ridge NJ said a union esti mate that about 650 employes in the Wright Aeronautical Di vision would be laid off be tween eb 1 and eb 15 was "substantially Another aircraft firm air child Engine Aircraft Corp Hagerstown Mo said it laid off 500 employes because of military contract stretchouts Crane Recalls Some In Chattanooga Tenn the Crane Co recalled some work ers a reversal of the current layoff picture The company said about 80 workers reported back Monday in the domestic boiler department vthich had been about 90 shut down since Nov 1 Trans World airlines fur loughed 80 co pilots effective Saturday in a move to tighten up the organization The action followed a layoff of American airlines co pilots in December In the auto industry the ord Motor ord assem bly plant in Mahwah is shut this week 3500 workers being dropped Studebaker Packard Corp again halted assembly opera 1 lions at South Bend Ind So 1 far in 1958 the plant has worked three full weeks 1 Matthiesscn Hegeler Zinc 1 Co is cutting zinic production at its Meadowbrook Va smelter This follows a similar curtailment at its La Salle 111 smelter last fall There was ho immediate estimate of the number of workers affected Noon 13 1 It Act tomneratn Highest temp last 1 Jarsnarotnro TiiPctav Lowest temp same date last year 19 KfAAM iAHinaral iis a I Norma temperature Deficit of temn this month to date Accumulated deficit since Jan 1 Total precln 24 hrs ended 7 Total preelp this month to dale Deficit of precip this month to date Total precipitation since Jan 1 Deficit of precipitation since Jan 1 TEMPERATURES IN OTHER High 46 CLEVELAND TWILIGHT CONCERT LOUIS LANE CONDUCTING Viennese Program SEVERANCE HALL THIS SUN AT 4 PM JEANNE DOUTTEIL Violin PRICES: 7Sc $100 Box Seats $150 TICKETS APE AVAILABLE AT SEVERANCE HALL AND BURROWS ANO ALL BURROWS STORES ALL THAT STU INTO THOSE LI'L WATC bl WATCH qV zW STUER A ELLA WHO irre LlUJCei XITLJ a i i ir 'rx i i ms VVA I LNCOu Mt KCALLI Dt fry IMG1 A TIME HEHHEW COLOR by DELUXE SHOWN ONCE ONLY AT I 8:10 U4 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Sun eb PM RYE: March 125 May July sent SOYBEANS: March 222 May 226 July 227wi Sort 217 Nnv 214 LA 11 70 1 May July Sept Oct Chicago Cash Quotations CHICAGO eb 11 Sieady: wholesale tellinr price unchanged tn hlfher: 93 aenre AA 59 02 A S9 90 59 59'4 Steady: wlmlMile Mklline price! unchanged 60 nr better trade A whiten 35 36'j medium extras 33 34: stand ards 33 33 cliocks 30 30 Arrivals 71 track total US shlptneids 371 supply moder ate demand limited by rold weather market firm rat nt track salea: Idaho Ruasrta 4 00 4 10: Idaho Rakers 4 50: Minnesota North Dakota Red River Val ley PnnHara 3 85 3 90 No tone receipt were 71000 lbs: wholesale buy nut prices unchanged tn hlthe: old rnoatfri 13 14 caponet'es under 4'4 Jbs 24 over 4 lb 27 28: While Rorka under 4 lb 24 23: White Crowl under 4 Iba 20 20 NO 2 yellow 113 17 No 3 yellow 101 08 Mmpie trade vellow 101 14 Nn 1 heavy white 73 74 SOYBEAN 11 Soybean meal 47 00 50 BARLEY Maltihf choke: 120 1 26 eed: 84 1 06 WHK DIAL 1420 news every hour on hour 4' prove Some of the Massillon operations have been shifted to Canton plants igures from the Ohio State Employment Service show Can ton had 9213 continuing claims for unemployment compensa tioh for the week ended eb 11 A total of 1244 of those are! claims The 1957 figures for a similar' period were estimated 15 to 20 of those totals Bowlers in Clevfeland Reported Going Strong Cleveland has as many bowl ers as ever Sam Levine ex ecutive secretary of the Cleve land Bowling Proprietors Asso ciation said yesterday Levine commented oil reports from the Canton area that league play was declining there because bow lers were being laid off from their factory jobs and could not afford to participate Levine said there had been no such trend here An indepen dent check of bowling alleys by a Plain Dealer reporter bore out his statement 68 59 0 55 47 57 35 24 (c clear cv cloudypt' partly cloudy rain snowl ALMAS AC Sun ria nl 7:27 am: sets at 5:57 pm Moon rises at 2:44 am sets 13:4 sonal curtailment in construe a tion and other outdoor work Payrolls have diminished in practically all the manufactur ing industries here he contin ued but principally in these fields: food and beverages paper chemicals metals ma chinery autos and aircraft parts Tichenor who was unaware of the information ban intil it was disclosed by reporter Tedj Princiotto in the Plain Dealer! attributed it to "professional1 announced it will construct differences between Smith and Papier "Papier is a wonderful econ omist and he hesitates to lease estimates that are the administrator plained "But the estimates 1 Smith has been making good ones and the public is cer tainly entitled to them There be any more difficulty about Third I MAIN OICE Irtcktvill Brooch 7007 Broadway 8943 Breckwilla Rd BlnmaAd 11937 JAcktoh 4 4381 Oprf riday 6 to 8 Open Saturday in Manpower at Shipyard The American Ship Building Co has no plans for further re ducing its thousand man work force at its Lorain yards This was the statement of Edmund Sylvester com pany president in letters to Lorain Mayor John Jawor ski and Council President Jo seph Grubic yesterday letter w'as pro moted by a resolution passed by the Lorain Council recently which protested the transfer of the remaining work on two Navy destroyer escorts to Avondale Marine Ways in Lou isiana About 150 men were laid off as a result of the proposed transfer bringing to 350 the number laid 1957 Sylvester the vessels would lose between three million and five million dollars on the contract" The president said 1he com pany would submit a bid to the Army Corps of Engineers on eb 18 for construction of a dredge to cost around nine million dollars GILELS The Great Soviet Pianist TICKETS: SAT EB 22 SUM EB 23 Best Investment Industries Listed at Bgnk Meeting NEW YORK eb 11 Office equipment electrical manufacturing electric utility and life insurance are "prob ably the most favorably sit uated industries" for investors with at this time a meeting of the American Bankers Association was told today Joseph Bickford assistant vice president Bankers Trust Co New York told an invest ment panel at the trust conference that these industries probably rate best both short and long term view Bickford said "We also con sider the picture definitely fa vorable on a long term basis and with not too many short term clouds In the oil chemi cal and container groups" In a separate address Bur lton A Miller vice presidentNational City Bank of Cleve land said "What specific stocks our customers own is far more important than whether they have a few percentage I points more or less in stocks as i a class" PULITZER PRIZE NY CRITICS AWARD! TtAKS UN BROADWAY VICTOR JORY in TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' iff 1 on a JEAN INNESS OLGA BELLIN BILL DANIELS ALBERT LIPTON Seats Now at the Box Office! Crowley scanned dictionaries and legal codes He found in the state and city codes in the same paragraph with "suspi cious persons" such as beggars thieves and pickpockets A slang dictionary finally gave the legal eagle the answer A watch stqflcr is: "One who hoodwinks those who purchase watches of him" And watch stuffing is: "The practice of selling cheap or worthless watches at high prices to unwary purchasers" With his new knowledge Crowley telephoned Papenbrock to spread the word Albany Albtig que cy Amarlllo Atlanta Birm'sham Bisma rck Boise cy Boslon Br'nsville cy Buffalo cy Casper Charle ton pc Chicago Cincinnati pc I Denver i Detrnit Duluth cy El Paso pc arso cy Worth Galveston cy Helena cy Jacks'nville Kan City Angeles pc NEWSc fjt while it HOT '4 SNOW LURRIES are due in the northern border states from New England to Montana and the Rock ies today Rain will fall in the lower Mississippi val ley and Texas AP Wirephoto The Weather UNITED STATES WEATHER BUREAU AT CLEVELAND HOPKINS AIRPORT: CCEVELAND AND VICINITY Mostly cloudy and continued very cold today to night and tomorrow with bdlet snow flur ries some heavy in the eastern suburbs High 15 low 2 WASHINGTON Official orecast: OHIO Continued cold today Partly cloudy with a few snnw flurries In the north with heavy flurries near Lakv Erie east of Cleveland Mostly fair In the south Hien iu 20 MTPOROG1CAL REPORT Tuesday ebruary 11 1958 VOGUE Van Aken at Warr Center "ARMORED ATTACK" Marlon Hrtndo Trrrx Wright "BATTLE STRIPE" Wil I flW 4 6030 WILUUH nt a Brecksville Rd eature at MorT nt defiant dealra MtIMON PAIRKIA BRANDO OHIVS GARNER "SAYONARA" irmed In teehnlram and technkol ir In Japan) and hitrndnchir an exquisite Jananeae star MHKO TAKA (Admission this engagement only adult! 00c) AUTO DRIVE IN CLOVERLEA Eastlake Drive In EAST SIDE Northfield Rd Opposite Race Track IN CAR HEATERS MICKEr ROONEY ACE CHANDLDR OKSON WlLIRI IN THE lT I Euclid Ave Outdoor HAZELWOOD MEMPHIS DRIVE IN MENTOR DRrVE MJLESJJRIVE XI Northfield Starn? PEARL RD Relief Plan Is Eyed for Needy of 'Canton ountain rni rso isci 1 ive Jobl ess Pay Aides in Ohio were queried in the study made in cooperation with the Ohio Department of Indus trial Relations It shows which Ohio com panies are engaged in import ing and exporting and gives their tonnages Other surveys give only the totals without naming the companies engaged in international trade Results have not been ana lyzed enough to warrant mak ing a firm forecast The survey started last November covers the year 1956 However James Rowland port commissioner said early findings indicated that Cleve land could easily be pushed into the number one position for general cargo business Last year the city's imports exports totaled 76168 tons Ac cording to Cleveland Chamber of Commerce reports this moved it up from fourth to sec ond position Chicago was first Cleveland Preferred The weight of evidence in the new survey showed Cleve land enjoyed a heavy prefer ence as a lake port among Ohio manufacturers engaged in world trade About 398 of them doing some 316685 tons of foreign business indicated definite in terest in the ort of Cleve land now have positive indi cations that manufacturers are interested in using the port and we hope that this will be translated into actual use of facilities said Rowland "The potential is certainly en Of the 13894 queries sent out 3125 or 225 responded A total of 641 or 20 reported some export import business No Toll Period Rejected Possibility of a toll free test period for the St Lawrence Seaway was rejected yesterday by a Canadian vice president of the international waterway Jean Lessard in a speech before the Montreal Chamber of Commerce turned down the suggestion by Canada's Great Lakes shipping industry that the Seaway be free of tolls of all ships until 1962 or 19t4 The Dominion Marine Associ ation contended the toll free period would give time to find out what effect charges would have on Canadian economy suggestion cannot be said Lessard the utilization of the Seaway without payment would necessarily be the same utilization with payment" Mackinaw Goes North The Coast Guard Icebreaker Mackinaw yesterday was or dered to the Muskegon and Grand Haven area in Lake Michigan to break up heavy ice formations which are hindering tanker operations About 10 tankers still are operating Chicago Milwaukee Grand Mnslcptrnn Chicago hoard of Trade Open High Low WH KAT 210 186 189 195 1 09 113 1 16 1 16 (nlCflgO 'The wage figures represent ancinnati the average weekly gross earn i ings of production workers in manufacturing industries No Early Relief A survey of 304 firms em ploying some 40 of the labor force gave no indication that any immediate relief was in sight for the unemployment situation The employers said they an ticipated laying off an addi tional 3600 workers by mid March They expected to re turn only 700 employes to their payrolls by May 15 The number earning wages and salaries in 1he two counties on eb 1 was 676000 This was 21500 below the level of Dec 1 and 36000 under the figure eb 1 1957 Continuing Layoffs Smith said the 21500 fiord r4 cAHitmincr lavolls in manufacturing plants ycar end layoffs in retail Trade and sea offec in sao Paulo Brazil 7 4 1 Avnn 4 nncfrurL Drnnle cnnkPKtnn sajci The plant "ill be operated I by Compannia tie Cafe 1 Soluvel which will be 60 Ci owned by Brazilian Interests and 40T bv Standard Brands YORK (Pi The I nin Carbide Corp said it will defer 1 construction of a 10 mllllon dol lar project In suburban Westches ter County because of "current A company spokes man said the decision to defer construction "pending further study" was made after the com ii atm rs 1 rnvlau' i a i ii 1 1 ns annual nf Avnansion Projects CHICAGO 'f) inland Meet to i an experimental pilot plant at its In diana Harbor Ind Works The plant will be used for the smelt ing of nun ore by a new process developed in the research laboratories EASTON' Pa I sales of paper cups and plates should show a substantial in crease this year Van Schaick vice president of Ameri can Can Co and executive nead of its Dixie Cup Division said He said Dixie this year will open a three million dollar plant in Lexington Ky and expand facbi lies at factories in Darlington ort Smith Ark: Anaheim Calif and Brampton Oht BURLINGTON Mass High Voltage Engineering Corp reports acquired controlling interest tn Electronlzrd Chemicals Corp New York CEDAR RAPIDS la The Air orce placed more than three million dollars in orders for air craft navigation equipment ith Collin Radio according to executive vice president CHICAGO i Ward Co will open ten catalog stores this month bringing national total to 488 DETROIT The Detroit Edi son Co plans to spend around 75 million dollars for new construe 1 tton in 1958 The electric utility I poured 78 millions into expansion i last ear NEW YORK GV) hrtpr II Roth Co has bought of the i stucK oi Jiiitit* naysrr i I which it plans to merge Prosi jdent Chester IL Roth said ANK YOU OR BRINGING BACK unouj non stop delight with Cole Porter music! Presents A SOL SIEGEL Production of COLE HI AJRRiiSi All New Revue 1 re iarkinf it IX HIE BOMBIHS BEDORD mi niJV Parkins SK 1 28OU UULUHI Shaker Square 20th Annhmury Him Ihr picture nu hate Iwrn wailhiK for "PAL JOEY in color Rite rank Khn Haworlh Sinnfra N'nvak HALTNORTH H0UGH 79TH JIOIOIW I ADAIId don LUnAINjM) time to rl MCniMA OHIO 2 0021 11 I la A John (treaaon Anthony Qua vie "PURSUIT tiRA SPEE" CARTOONS A SHORTS STAR TH RIDAY iA I A PAINESVILLE IAKE 77 21M1 MARLON BRANDO DI A7A fri katT mk key rLM4M Bibvfn Nel Alan Rock 1 1 I UEI I Bedford Ohio QlllVYCL Redford 2 A24N James A Mirlimnr'n alorp nf rtrfhnt dclrr! MARLON BRANDO and an rxqulllr new Japanrae Ur MIIKO TAKA in "SAYONARA" filmed In Janan In Technirnma and Twbnkolnr Shown at 7:00 and 9:40 There's a bushel of chuckltiT on the comic pagfcs of the PLAIN DEALER every day 50140 30 Data from US WfATHIR BURIAU 20 10 Opt of Commerce ypo if 9 60 Snow KvaI I ES33Sil or Daytime Wednesday igures Show High Temperature! Expected st Jupiter Ugly IRS Reserves over mlllloa I I Al I Wat 7 L1 2151 21BX 210'i 210'4 211 186 187 lb7 l9 190 191 195 195 109 109 1 1)9 113 113 113 116 1 16 116 116 116 116 112 112 112 64 65 61 62 63 62si 59 59 59 60 60 60 125 126 125 1 19 120 120 111 111 111 lH 111 113 22 222 223 22j 226 226 227 228 216 217 217 214 215 215 1170 1175 1170 1165 1175 1170 1170 1180 1175 1180 1180 1172 1155 1150 ORECAST! TODAY at YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRE 1 I if V' 8 5 I.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.